Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Advent Day 11

The 25 Days of Christmas
Day 11
(A Photo Story)

Yes, that is droll on his shirt.
I had a meeting at church tonight so today's family activity was with daddy.
Despite the facial expression.  He loved his green bubble bath!
 And since that was such a brief activity I will tell you about our Christmas tree.  I am never sure when Anderson will wake-up in the morning.  Wake-up for him could be as early as 6:45 or as late as 7:45 (before you start hating me, 7:45 is a rare occurrence).  But this morning he woke up at about 7am which was before Daddy left to go to work.  After hugging Daddy and playing in his room with his farm animals for a few minutes, I was able to coax him into the living room to see our Christmas tree.  We had put the tree up in the stand on Sunday evening.  It had stood undecorated in our living room all Monday.  After work on Monday, Andy helped me get the Christmas storage out of the attic.  Whew, that is no small task.  While Andy and Anderson went to pick up our dinner I was able to get everything decorated except the tree.  While Anderson slept I put on lights, balls, icicles, ribbon stars, paper star garland, and origami paper cranes.  So when he saw our decorated tree for the first time this morning he literally stopped in his tracks. 

 Despite all the temptation he has done really well about not taking the ornaments off the tree. He have had to say "no" and "gentle touches" several times.  But I can hardly keep my hands off is, so I understand his temptation. 
 But his biggest temptation is the Jim Shore advent calendar/music box.  He is so curious about it. And it is just barely in reach as you can see. 

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