Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just another Wednesday night...

but a little rain had come through town and cooled everything off, so it was a great evening for being outside.  That was the only excuse I needed for getting the camera back out.  Here are some of the moments I captured...
My happy boys!  Anderson loves his Daddy, and his daddy loves him.

We are cherishing the evening hours these days since Daddy has gone back to work.

I know I mentioned it, but this is "surprise" face.

And this is kiss-y face (my personal favorite of the faces!)

He got a haircut today.  He looks so old with the haircut and no drool cloth.

So today we got a haircut which was not as tramatic as the doctor's appointment, but it was close.  Mrs. V did a great job cutting his hair despite the fact that he was crying and would not hold still for a single second.  My little man is already growing up so fast.  The combination of new haircut and having his drool cloth off so that you can see he actually has a neck makes him look so grown up. 

 FYI: Today is the 4th week that we have been a forever family.

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