Monday, August 13, 2012

An afternoon of fun with Tia!

My sister Megan is called Tia (aunt in Spanish).   Today she stopped by the house to play with us after work.  It was such a fun afternoon.  Each day Anderson is forming closer bonds with our family members.  Today was Tia's bonding day.  From the picture you can see that it went really well!

My sister has been right beside me through the adoption process.  She has listen to my happiness and heartbreak over many long phone conversations.  So I know she was almost as excited for this little one to arrive as we were.  I think the instant this photo captures is the moment she had been waiting for a long time.  The joy on both their faces makes my heart smile.  

And if you are wondering how she coaxed this smile from his face it went something like this-

Start low


pull up from the arms

raise higher
and HIGHER (you have to image the sound of giggles)

And thanks to Tia, I also have this photo of Anderson and me. 
Come back soon Tia!  We love you!

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